He is twice as big in that pictures as he was a week earlier when she got him. To put things into perspective, here he is with Taco, who weighs all of 6lbs. He was trying to run with the big dogs, but he just couldn't.
He is so tiny, he fits into a tee ball mitt!
Zucko is the cutest, sweetest thing I have held since my babies were tiny. AND, he doesn't spit up, which quite frankly my children were apt to do at any given time. I held him and he chewed on my ear, and sniffed around my face. He has skunky puppy breath, which is disgusting when it's a skunk, but so precious when it's a puppy.
Zucko was named by my nephew Bradley. He's running neck and neck with Zucko in the cutest thing ever department, don't you think? Have you ever seen eyes so blue in your life?
Look at that sweet face! Bradley was nearly 10lbs when he was born, and yet he has always seemed so vulnerable to me. It has to be the baby face. And when he gives you little baby kisses, they smell like sugar cookies. Even if he is sweaty and dirty, which he often is, he still smells like a sugar cookie. If you ask Bradley for a hug, he will tease you and turn his back to you, glance at you sideways and then give in right when you are about to give up. And when he hugs you, yeah you guessed it, you smell sugar cookies. I love sugar cookies.
Aww, they are both too cute!