The first thing we did was take our annual front porch picture...
When I was a kid, we all stood on that same front porch and had our picture taken, rain or shine. Our parents did as well. We make a sign showing the year, every year, but depending on one of those kids to actually hold it up is usually a big waste of time. I chose that picture out of the 10 I have, because I think that Trixie the dog looks quite fetching. What you do not see in that picture, is what the kids are seeing. No less than 6 insane adults telling them all to look at them and smile. A lot of "get the dog out of the way" and "put your basket down" and "watch the baby" By the time pictures are done, the kids are ready to go home and go to bed, while the adults all sit around and tend to our bruises.
Here are my angels in their Easter outfits...
After picture time, we had dinner. Here is a post dinner shot of my sister, the nurse. My Nana, my mother in law and my mother. That was one tough crowd. Seriously.
After dinner, it was egg hunt time. We sequestered the kids in the den with some Spongebob and we took to hiding eggs. But then it started to rain, and it was really cold. So I threw Bob my bag and took off into the house. I'm no fool. Bob and my uncle were though. And they weathered the rain and hid some eggs. Although to tell you the truth, dumping them all in the driveway isn't really providing the kids with much of a challenge, but whatever. It rained for a good 20 minutes before we decided to just go for it. So we lined them up.
And off they went!
Sam-Sam didn't make it to the egg hunt. He was all worn out.
Afterwards, it was time to inspect the loot.
Then more pictures with Nana. Again, trying to get all of them to sit still and let us take a picture is like herding chickens into a photo shoot. It just isn't possible. In this case, the dog was behind them growling and causing all of them to scream and run.
We took more pictures, but I think that this picture pretty much speaks of my people.
Would you believe that he's the grumpiest person in our family? At least someone got use of Sydney's Easter hat.
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